International Federation of Liberal and Radical Youth
Resolution on Gibraltar The General Assembly of the International Federation of liberal and Radical Youth (IFLRY) meeting in Turku, Finland. November 1993

RECALLING its 1991 resolution on Gibraltar.
CONSIDERING the further evolution of the conflict over Gibraltar since 1991, the participation of the democratically elected Government of Gibraltar in two sessions of the United Nation's "Committee of 24" (responsible for decolonialisation processes) and the position expressed by Gibraltar in this forum, the continuation and aggravation of Gibraltarian airspace and territorial sea violations by Spanish vigilance aircraft and patrol boats, the continuation and aggravation of the Spanish blockade and harassment measures against Gibraltar, and the ambiguous position kept by the United Kingdom when it comes to defending the rights and interests of its own citizens in the territory.
EXPRESSES its full solidarity with the People of Gibraltar and its support to their sovereign self-determination and, if so wished, to the national independence of Gibraltar.
CONDEMNS in the strongest terms the permanent Spanish harassment against Gibraltar in international forums and through border obstacles and other ways of blockade as well as the incursions in Gibraltar's airspace and territorial sea which have already resulted in Gibraltarian citizens being injured or dead.
DEMANDS that the Spanish-Gibraltar border be as unrestricted as any other internal European Community border and considers that by consciously putting obstacles to the free transmit of persons and goods in the border, the Spanish Government violates the European Community legislation.
CALLS UPON the British Government to take the defence of the People of Gibraltar's rights and interests as its main priority and responsibility in this conflict, and considers that the British Government is currently contributing to the harassment undergone by Gibraltar, by making concessions to Spain and pressing Gibraltar to accept them.
CALLS UPON the British and Spanish Governments to respect the national rights of the People of Gibraltar. No Anglo Spanish talks or negotiations over Gibraltar are legitimate unless the Gibraltar Government can also take part with its own, separate delegation.
STATES that the Utrecht Treaty of 1713 is irrelevant in the current course of events and therefore it cannot be used to place obstacles to the self-determination of the territory.
CALLS FOR a fair solution to the problem of Gibraltar in which both the Spanish and British interests must be taken into account but the wishes of the colonial people must be paramount.
CALLS FOR Spanish-Gibraltarian cooperation as the only realistic way to stop crime in the area and to protect the environment, as well as to favour economic development in the region.
CALLS FOR the joint use of the Gibraltar Airport located in the north of the country, close to the Spanish border, under a new Airport agreement acceptable to the Government of Gibraltar.
RESOLVES to communicate the text of this resolution to the British Foreign Office, the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Gibraltar Government.
For more information, please visit the International Federation of Liberal and Radical Youth website